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Delaney Doran

Class Year: 
Foreign Language, Environmental Science, History, Politics
Dream Job: 
Foreign Diplomat
Language At Governor's School: 
Why did you apply to the Pennsylvania Governor’s School for Global and International Studies?: 
I applied to the PA Governor’s School after reading through the description of what the program entailed. Throughout my junior year of high school, I had been searching for ways to make a difference in my community and although I hadn’t realized it until then, I was eager to learn subjects that weren’t available to me. The most captivating part of the application, the part that drew me in even further, was the description about a global studies class. In my school, the closest thing to discussion of current events was my AP US History class, but the discussion was fairly one-sided and I wanted to hear the voices of other perspectives. After submitting my application, I was counting down the days until the notification date!
What would you say to a student questioning whether or not they should apply to the Governor’s School?: 
I was absolutely shocked when I first arrived because I was among some of the smartest students I’ve ever met. It was discouraging at first, but then I realized how amazing this was. I realized that every individual in this group was smart in their own way, or knowledgeable in their own subject areas. If you’re scared about applying because you’re afraid, don’t be. You never know what others see in you, and you don’t want to miss out on this amazing opportunity.
Describe a memorable experience while attending the Governor’s School. : 
One of my favorite parts of the Governor’s School was that we were treated like adults and allowed to express our opinions. I made so many memories at this program, but one of the most memorable experiences I have was sitting with my friends in the dorm common room watching Pirates of the Caribbean, searching for symbols of “neoliberal capitalism” and eating all the candy our Panther Cards could buy. After the movie, we went to a lecture and discussed what we had observed and I remember my perspective about movies totally changing. I also pondered the question: Mervis or Posvar?
What is one thing that you learned that impacted you? Or that you took home and utilized to make an impact in your community?: 
I think the biggest thing I learned at the Governor’s School is that anyone can make a difference. Take the housing crisis for example, where you can help by buying food for the man you pass on the corner every day or maybe by organizing a collection of items to donate to homeless people in your area. Both of these things were done by students at the Governor’s School while they were here, and it was truly inspirational. My ideas and actions can be simple or complex plans, but they will always make a difference in someone’s life if I pursue them. I think realizing this, as well as fully understanding it, has definitely prepared me and given me the confidence to strengthen my community.
Anything else you would like to say?: 
I would like to say thank you to everyone, from the amazing RAs who had their hands full with all of us, to the great faculty who encouraged us to explore new ideas and inspired us, to all of my classmates and the friends that I’ve made. This was such a unique experience; we were fully accountable for getting to class on time, buying meals with the Panther Cards, and ultimately for our learning. I feel like I made connections with everyone at the Governor’s School, through field trips or late night capture-the-flag, and we have made enough inside jokes to last a lifetime. I hope that, because of Governor’s School, Evan will be more open to the benefits of salad, that we will one day answer the question of Mervis or Posvar, and that we will all be more prepared to join the fight against Global Warming.